
Establishished 1903

Morrisburg Curling Club
22 Ontario Street
Morrisburg  ON   K0C 1X0

Three teams of senior men were in Cornwall on Wednesday for their first friendly bonspiel of the season. Three teams from Prescott competed as well, and the six Cornwall quartets were friendly, but more skilful than our fellows would have liked. Raymond Benoit,Maurice Kolff, Doug Jarvis and Gord Empey dropped their match,as did Mahlon Locke, Len Bellamy, Jacques Marquis and Larry Ware.  DonO’Brien, Neil Williams, Fred “Boomer” Langlois and JamieGuilboard won their game The lunch was delicious, and the words at the tables and the words from the hosts and the representatives from the visiting clubs were full of fun. Cornwall will make return visits to Prescott and Morriburg soon. All agreed it was a pleasant start to what will be a busy season of friendly bonspiels.

On Friday our senior men hosted a more serious event, the first of the Parnell competitions, named for Jack Parnell Senior, an outstanding local curler from many years ago. As hosts we were allowed one team, Peter Zeran, Larry Ware, Earl Jeacle and John Gove. Pete defeated a Cornwall entry skipped by Giles Viau, and followed that with a win over the Lancaster quartet. Gary Cook from Prescott defeated Lancaster and tied Cornwall. They had to play an extra end and Gary won. That gave Gary the victory on the day, one point ahead of our champion, Pete Zeran. The  presentation was made by Dave King, whose team won three of the four events last year. Next time we’ll be allowed two teams, so we’ll hope to finish first. Well played, fellows.  

For those interested, the club is holding a Christmas Bonspiel on December 10th. These are always fun.  Finally, $4,200 has been raised to provide reconditioned rocks for one of our sheets. Eventually we’ll have to raise enough to pay for the others. It will be expensive, but it has become vital, considering our old stones, 79 years, 78 and 66 years respectively. Our thanks to those who have made this first phase a reality.

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