
Establishished 1903

Morrisburg Curling Club
22 Ontario Street
Morrisburg  ON   K0C 1X0

Little Rocks Team
Morrisburg Little Rocks Team

We have some left-over results from December. In the Thursday morning finale, the winners were Sam Locke, Alice Thompson, Earl Jeacle and Claire Locke. The Maurice Kolff team actually had the same total, and the tie was broken by checking back to see who had won the most ends in the draw, which was Sam’s foursome. Also, we missed the little rockers’ results in a Kemptville bonspiel before Christmas. Our curlers lost their first match against a quartet from Perth, but won games two and three against squads from Winchester and North Grenville, finishing first overall in their draw. Congratulations to Rhiannon Beckstead, Alexix Grenkie, Debbie Milewski and Ganna Gibbons. The girls played well and were full value for the win. Our folks play again soon, and we’ll have those results as soon as we get them. 

Our two club champion teams played in Cornwall last Friday. Jack Barkley, David King, Doug Jarvis and Rick Mackenzie lost their matches to Lancaster and Prescott. Peter Zeran, Larry Ware, Earl Jeacle and John Gove won their first game against Prescott, but lost their second against Lancaster. The Cornwall teams were the overall winners on the day. Our teams play again later this month in Prescott, the same day as a friendly in Brockville, to which we send three teams.

Sunday saw another of Susan McIntosh’s two-person bonspiels. The finals pitted Dave King and Rick Mackenzie against Keith Robinson and Fred “Boomer” Langlois, a game which Keith and Fred won. In the “B” final Pete and John Gore competed for the title, with John Wilson and his grandson Ewan. The match ended tied, and a measurement gave the victory to the Wilsons. In the “A” division, Ian and Catherine Wilson played against Nolan and Craig Belanger in the “A” final. It was an exciting match, with the Belanger father and son winning. As is always the case, the competitions were close, and exciting. Our thanks to Susan and her husband Dave for the day. Dave’s chilli was a hit with all, and the profits this time went towards purchasing a second set of rocks. We’re approaching the half-way point in funding for those. Hopefully we’ll have enough to purchase them as well for the fall.

Three teams of our Thursday morning curlers will be in Russell for their return friendly match. We’ll have those results next time. Also, on Saturday a number of teams, most of them local, are competing in the 150th bonspiel in honour of Canada’s 150th anniversary, with profits again going to that rock replacement fund.

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