
Establishished 1903

Morrisburg Curling Club
22 Ontario Street
Morrisburg  ON   K0C 1X0

Place your business name and any details you wish in our rink for players and public to observe.  We offer various levels of advertising and sponsorship based on sign size and location.

  1. Back Wall Advertising - $300
    Sign Dimensions: 4ft by 4 ft
    Our best location with great visibility is on the back wall facing the lounge.

  2. Side Wall Advertising - $200
    Sign Dimensions: 4ft by 4 ft
    If you wish a slightly lower price, you can place your business ad on our side wall.

  3. Front Rafter Advertising - $100
    Sign Dimensions: 2 ft high by 4 ft wide
    This is a great option.  On a smaller sign, your ad is placed in the rafters where it is highly visible to observers in the lounge.

  4. In Ice Advertising - $200
    If you wish the uniqueness of advertising in the ice surface from October to March, you can arrange it at a reasonable price.


If interested in acquiring advertising space on our wall or embedded in our ice surface, contace This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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